Your pledge is complete! Please share this event with your friends:
Thank you for donating ${{Event.PledgeAmout}}{{Event.PledgeType =='perunit' ? "/" +Event.Item.Unit : ""}} {{Event.Participants.length > 1 ? "each" : ""}} to {{Event.Participants.length > 1 ? Event.ParticipantFirstNames : (Event.Participant.Firstname + " " + Event.Participant.Lastname)}}
To submit a corporate matching donation, please enter the info below and search for your employer. Your credit card will not be charged for this matching donation. Once submitted you'll receive an email from with the necessary steps to process the matching donation from your employer.

Your employer will match {{}}% of your donation (${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount}}). This will effectively turn your donation into a ${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount + (Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount *}} donation! Please be sure to click on "Submit Donation" button above and follow the instructions you will receive in your email to complete the matching donation process.
For your reference, you may need below information to complete your matching donation form.
EIN: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolEIN}}
Organization Name: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolName}}
Congratulations. Your event has been created. Spread the word !
Welcome {{Event.Invitation.Firstname}}, we hope to see you at the event!
For: {{Event.IsParticipantInUrl && Event.Participant.Cause !=null ? Event.Participant.Cause : Event.Item.Cause}}
| Tax ID: {{Event.Item.CharityTaxId}}For: {{Event.IsParticipantInUrl && Event.Participant.FundsGoTo !=null ? Event.Participant.FundsGoTo : Event.Item.FundsGoto}}
{{Event.Item.TotalPledged | noFractionCurrency}} raised of {{Event.Item.Fundraising_Goal|noFractionCurrency}} Goal
{{Event.TotalRaised + Event.Item.TotalPledged | noFractionCurrency}} raised of {{Event.Item.Fundraising_Goal|noFractionCurrency}} Goal
Pledge per: {{Event.Item.Unit}}
{{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | noFractionCurrency}} raised of {{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.ParticipantGoal | noFractionCurrency}} Goal
Pledge per: {{Event.Item.Unit}}
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{{item.FirstName}} {{item.LastName}} | {{item.PhoneNumber}} | {{item.Email}} | {{item.PledgePerUnit | currency}}/{{item.Unit}} | {{item.AmountPaid | currency}} | {{item.AmountDue | currency}} {{item.AmountDue | currency}} | {{item.IsFulfilledValue}} {{item.IsFulfilledValue}} | ||
{{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | currency}} | {{Event.Pledges |sumByKey:'AmountPaid'|currency}} | {{Event.Pledges |sumByKey:'AmountDue'|currency}} | ||||||
No pledges yet
My Team's Total: ${{Event.MyTeamTotal}}/{{Event.Item.Unit}} (${{Event.Item.EventLevelAveragePledgePerUnit}}/{{Event.Item.Unit}})
Event Total: ${{Event.Item.TotalPledged}} (${{Event.Item.EventLevelAveragePledgePerUnit}}/{{Event.Item.Unit}})
My Team's Total: ${{Event.MyTeamTotal}}
Event Total: ${{Event.Item.TotalPledged}}