
RAISING FUNDS FOR {{Event.FundsFor | uppercase}}

Item avatar

{{item.Firstname}} {{item.Lastname}}

{{item.Firstname}} {{item.Lastname}}

Team {{item.TeamName}} | Edit

{{item.Firstname}}{{($index) ==(Event.Participants.length-2) ? " & " : ($index + 1)!=Event.Participants.length ? ", " : ""}}


Raised ${{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | number:0}} of {{(Event.PledgedPerParticipant.ParticipantGoal | noFractionCurrency)}} Goal

Raised ${{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | number:0}}

{{Event.AveragePledgePerUnitPerParticipant | currency}} /{{Event.Item.Unit | uppercase}}

Raised ${{Event.Item.TotalPledged | number:0}} of ${{Event.Item.Fundraising_Goal | number:0 }}

Program Ends In Thank you so much for supporting our cause! {{Event.CountDown.Days}} Days {{Event.CountDown.Hours}} Hrs
{{ 10-Event.TotalSharedCount }} more shares to earn a {{Event.TotalSharedCount}} Shares. You earned a
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{{item.TeamName}} Raised: {{item.RaiseAmount | currency}}
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All sharing and pledging is now linked for {{Event.ParticipantFirstNames}} (donors will see this link when you share).

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Use our to send your link to family and friends Use our Email Sender to send your link to family and friends
Share your pledge page by or X. More is better Share your pledge page by or X. More is better
Pro-Tip = Make a pledge video and share with everyone! The average video will get 5-10 more pledges. More samples here
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{{comment.DatePosted | fromNow}}

Business name {{item.BusinessName}}




{{pledge.PledgeAmount | currency}}

List your business here! Click to Learn More

Thank you for donating ${{Event.PledgeAmout}}{{Event.PledgeType =='perunit' ? "/" +Event.Item.Unit : ""}} {{Event.GroupPledgeCount > 1 ? "each" : ""}} to {{Event.GroupPledgeCount > 1 ? Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName : (Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName + " " + Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantLastName)}}

Thank you for donating ${{Event.PledgeAmout}}{{Event.PledgeType =='perunit' ? "/" +Event.Item.Unit : ""}} {{Event.GroupPledgeCount > 1 ? "each" : ""}} to {{Event.GroupPledgeCount > 1 ? Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName : (Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName + " " + Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantLastName)}}
and gifting them {{Event.SchoolName}} Spirit Wear!
Shipping - ORDERS WILL NOT SHIP TO YOUR HOME! All orders will be delivered through your child’s school and available for pick up 2 weeks after the program.
You will receive an email with a link for payment once the event is completed and the {{Event.Item.Event_Units}} have been entered by our team.

Would you like to see if your employer will match your donation?

To submit a corporate matching donation, please enter the info below and search for your employer. Your credit card will not be charged for this matching donation. Once submitted you'll receive an email from giveamply.com with the necessary steps to process the matching donation from your employer.

Company Selected : {{Event.CurrentPledge.SearchCompany}} Select a different Company
Your company has a matching donation program.
Your company has a matching donation program but your donation does not meet the matching requirement.
Event.Name test
Match Amounts Image
Match Amounts

Your employer will match {{Event.SelectedMatchingCompany.company.ratioPercent}}% of your donation (${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount}}). This will effectively turn your donation into a ${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount + (Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount * Event.SelectedMatchingCompany.company.ratioPercent/100)}} donation! Please be sure to click on "Submit Donation" button above and follow the instructions you will receive in your email to complete the matching donation process.


For your reference, you may need below information to complete your matching donation form.

EIN: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolEIN}}

Organization Name: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolName}}


Stay Connected

Sharing on Facebook can increase the total raised by 3x

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Help {{Event.Participant.Firstname}} {{Event.Participant.Lastname}} become an Apex Leader this year!

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Participant avatar

Help {{Event.ParticipantFirstNames}} become Apex Leaders this year!

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Add SPIRIT WEAR to your donation

Inspire {{Event.GroupPledgeCount > 1 ? Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName : (Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantFirstName + " " + Event.CurrentPledge.ParticipantLastName)}} with a cool School Spirit Wear gift! A portion of your purchase goes directly to the school’s fundraiser. Your gift will be delivered to students at their school and available for pick up 2 weeks after the program.


{{item.SalePrice | setDecimal:2}}

No Thanks

Easy Shopping

Just click to add to Donation and support them with a fun surprise gift of Spirit Wear.

Make them feel special

Spirit wear purchases make our team stronger and kids feel included.

FUN Surprise Delivery

Every purchase will be directly delivered to your student’s school.

Apex Gear

Please select a shirt size ${{Event.SelectedProduct.SalePrice}}
Sizes were provided by parent/guardian


Shipping Fee

Delivery Shipping - ORDERS WILL NOT SHIP TO YOUR HOME! All orders will be delivered through your child’s school and available for pick up 2 weeks after the program.
Something went wrong! This is a beta feature that may have issues allowing you to purchase. We apologize for the inconvenience. There was a problem charging your selected payment method. This is a beta feature that may have issues allowing you to purchase. We apologize for the inconvenience.Error returned from payment provider - {{Event.MerchPaymentError}} Click Here to Continue

This program has ended. Spirit Wear sales are closed at end of program. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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RAISING FUNDS FOR {{Event.Methods.TrucateString(Event.FundsFor,37) | uppercase}} ...

RAISING FUNDS FOR {{Event.FundsFor | uppercase}}

Thank you for donating ${{Event.PledgeAmout}}{{Event.PledgeType =='perunit' ? "/" +Event.Item.Unit : ""}} {{Event.Participants.length > 1 ? "each" : ""}} to {{Event.Participants.length > 1 ? Event.ParticipantFirstNames : (Event.Participant.Firstname + " " + Event.Participant.Lastname)}}

You will receive an email with a link for payment once the event is completed and the {{Event.Item.Event_Units}} have been entered by our team.

Would you like to see if your employer will match your donation?

To submit a corporate matching donation, please enter the info below and search for your employer. Your credit card will not be charged for this matching donation. Once submitted you'll receive an email from giveamply.com with the necessary steps to process the matching donation from your employer.

Company Selected : {{Event.CurrentPledge.SearchCompany}} Select a different Company
Your company has a matching donation program.
Your company has a matching donation program but your donation does not meet the matching requirement.
Match Amounts Image
Match Amounts

Your employer will match {{Event.SelectedMatchingCompany.company.ratioPercent}}% of your donation (${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount}}). This will effectively turn your donation into a ${{Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount + (Event.CurrentPledge.InitialPledgeAmount * Event.SelectedMatchingCompany.company.ratioPercent/100)}} donation! Please be sure to click on "Submit Donation" button above and follow the instructions you will receive in your email to complete the matching donation process.


For your reference, you may need below information to complete your matching donation form.

EIN: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolEIN}}

Organization Name: {{Event.Item.MetaData.MatchingDonationsSchoolName}}


Stay Connected

Sharing on Facebook can increase the total raised by 3x

Help {{Event.Participant.Firstname}} {{Event.Participant.Lastname}} become an Apex Leader this year!

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Help {{Event.ParticipantFirstNames}} become Apex Leaders this year!

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{{Event.Participant.Firstname}} {{Event.Participant.Lastname}}

Team {{Event.Participant.TeamName}} | Edit

{{item.Firstname}} {{item.Lastname}}

{{item.Firstname}} {{item.Lastname}}

Team {{item.TeamName}} | Edit

{{item.Firstname}}{{($index) ==(Event.Participants.length-2) ? " & " : ($index + 1)!=Event.Participants.length ? ", " : ""}}


Raised ${{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | number:0}} of {{(Event.PledgedPerParticipant.ParticipantGoal | noFractionCurrency)}} Goal

Raised ${{Event.PledgedPerParticipant.TotalPledgedPerParticipant | number:0}}

{{Event.AveragePledgePerUnitPerParticipant | currency}} /{{Event.Item.Unit | uppercase}}

Raised ${{Event.Item.TotalPledged | number:0}} of ${{Event.Item.Fundraising_Goal | number:0 }}

Program Ends In Thank you so much for supporting our cause! {{Event.CountDown.Days}} Days {{Event.CountDown.Hours}} Hrs
{{ 10-Event.TotalSharedCount }} more shares to earn a {{Event.TotalSharedCount}} Shares. You earned a
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{{comment.DatePosted | fromNow}}

{{item.BusinessName}} {{item.BusinessName}}




{{pledge.PledgeAmount | currency}}

List your business here! Click to Learn More
